99 Reasons why Startups fail, Lead Your Startup to Success
Die Keure Publishing
Date de publication

99 Reasons why Startups fail

Lead Your Startup to Success

Die Keure Publishing

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782874034695
    • Fichier EPUB, avec Marquage en filigrane
"Learn from the mistakes of others. You can never live long enough to make
them all yourself"

Startup ideas inspire hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs all over the
world. On the flip side, the majority of entrepreneurial ventures fail. Have
you ever wondered what the catalyst for such failure is? Startup failures are
complex. Most of them are not caused by stupid or simple mistakes. So, be
careful when you conclude: Startup X failed because of Y. Therefore I should
avoid doing Y in my own startup. It is not that simple. Startups fail because
of a combination of factors and causes, some of which are almost impossible to
put a finger on.

This book is aimed at identifying reasons that can lead even great ideas to
complete failure. It also presents how you can make your way around them,
earning everlasting growth and prosperity.


Omar Mohout is a Growth Engineer. He is an expert in building repeatable,
scalable customer acquisition engines for born-on-the-web companies. Omar is
an entrepreneur that turned startup advisor & mentor.
Après un doctorat en informatique, Carine Lucas a travaillé plusieurs années
comme consultante sur des projets d'innovation. Chez Agoria, elle conseille
les entreprises sur leur stratégie digitale et leur business models.
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